Astronomy 101 Part 2:

   Dig deeper! Learn about the falsities of some advertising and what to watch out for when shopping for telescopes.  We also have a nice list of telescope recommendations for you based on what you're looking for, and recommendations for mounts as well.  Take a look at binoculars for astronomical use, and learn how to enhance your viewing experience by choosing the right location and conditions.  Finally, take a look at a hilarious hoax that keeps resurfacing when Mars is in the sky.

Table of contents:

Beware! The dangers of  TV Shopping Networks, Big Box and Department Stores

Telescope Recommendations: Affordable Scopes

Telescope Recommendations: Ultra-High Quality Scopes

Telescope Recommendations: Mid-Range Scopes

Mount Recommendations

Binoculars - the portable solution

Choosing the right Viewing Conditions

The Mars Hoax strikes again!

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