Gerrit Kerbauer of Moedling, Austria captured a unique event on March 17th, 2016 while recording video of Jupiter.  Though seeing conditions were not ideal, Gerrit was recording Jupiter with a Skywatcher Newton 200/1000.  In doing so, he managed to capture what appears to be a brief, but significant meteor strike on the planet.  He writes in his YouTube post, " The seeing was not the best, so i hesitated to process the Videos. Nevertheless 10 days later i looked through the Videos and i found this strange light spot that appeared for less than one second on the edge of the planetary disc. Thinking back to Shoemaker-Levy 9, my only explanation for this is an asteroid or comet that enters Jupiters high atmosphere and burned up/explode very fast.."

The event occurred at 00:18:33 UTC on March 17th.  It was recorded with an Alccd5L-IIc camera on a Skywatcher Newton 200/1000 8" telescope at f/15 from Moedling, Austria.  Moedling is just South West of Vienna.


Given that it did not appear to disturb the surface or leave a lasting trace, one can reasonably rule out an asteroid strike.  Nevertheless, it appears to be a meteor of some size. 

Congratulations to Gerrit for an amazing capture!

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