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6 lb. stainless steel counterweight for 1.125" shaft — for 400/600E/800 and Mach2GTO mounts.
Our counterweights are precision machined from 303 stainless steel. A bronze sleeve is press fit into the center hole to prevent marring of your counterweight shaft as you adjust the position of the counterweights. The weights slip easily onto the counterweight shaft and are secured in position with a large hand knob/brass pin assembly. The brass pin will not mar your shaft.
Keep in mind that you can adjust the position of the weights to counterbalance varying loads. However, the addition of a guidescope, camera and other heavy accessories may necessitate an additional counterweight. If you plan to mount your catadioptric, Newtonian or any other scope, figure that you will need a counterweight total equal to approximately 80% of the weight of your tube assembly and accessories.
Takahashi FC-100DL f/9 Apo Refractor