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The Baader Planetarium Multi-Purpose Coma Corrector will revolutionize the way you approach astrophotography. This Visual and Photographic Edition includes the Baader 1.25" /T-2 Focusing Eyepiece Holder and Baader VariLock 29 T2 Variable Extension Tube - 20 mm - 29 mm, to give you endless possibilities!
This is one of the few coma correctors on the market today that eliminates coma across the entire photographic field without distorting the focal length. The Baader Multi-Purpose Coma Corrector has been optimized for Newtonians with focal ratios from f/4 to f/6, producing 12 micron stars across a full 35 mm frame size. Independent optical laboratory tests (by ITE) have confirmed that the MPCC is the sharpest wide-field coma corrector available for imaging, and provides the best edge of field illumination.
The lens of the Baader MPCC features a unique Phantom Group wideband multicoating to deliver unsurpassed high transmission while dramatically reducing reflections and scatter across all wavelengths. Images are crisp and you will notice stars coming to a sharp, pinpoint focus.
The MPCC can also be used in visual applications as well. This coma corrector includes all of the adapters you need to attach to 1.25" eyepieces and cameras. The coma corrector is also compatible with optical tubes between f/3.5 and f/6, allowing for 98% transmission.
Dob users with f/3.7 - f/5 scopes have discovered the unique benefits of the 2" Multi Purpose Coma Corrector - MK III versus other coma correctors. The MPCC can be inexpensively configured for visual use with 1.25" and 2" eyepieces.
The 2" Multi Purpose Coma Corrector - MK III is the ideal match for today's Digital SLRs. Owners of these new cameras find them to be ideally mated with today's fast f/4-f/5 Newtonians required to keep exposures short. The MPCC enables these users to fully correct their scopes and produce superb pinpoint color deep sky images without the complexity of more expensive CCD cameras.
The MPCC does NOT extend the focal ratio (so, your images will be shot at the full speed of your telescope). The MPCC inserts into 2" focusers and has external T-threads on the output side (and is also threaded for standard 2"/48 mm filters). Simply attach any 35 mm film or digital SLR to the MPCC, with T-adapters. Users of CCD cameras can attach in the same way through the use of Baader Astro T-2 System components.