Artist's impression of Tabby's Star in a more imaginative time. The sporadic, random, and inexplicable dimming and brightening of the star has led to several theories, including one that purported an alien mega-structure was orbiting the star. (Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech)
A team of more than 100 researchers, led by LSU Department of Physics and Astronomy Assistant Professor Tabetha Boyajian, is one step closer to solving the mystery behind "the most interesting star in the universe." At first blush, KIC 8462852 (or Tabby's Star, nicknamed after Tabby Boyajian) is an average star. It is about 50 percent bigger and 1000 degrees hotter than the Sun. It is more than 1000 light years away. However, the sporadic, random, and inexplicable dimming and brightening of the star has led to several theories, including one that purports an alien mega-structure is orbiting the star. Could this really be? Nah... It turns out that the most interesting star in the Universe i...
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