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2.0Å Single cavity University series filter system suitible for academic purposes — Ideal application: with CCD photography or indoor visual viewing environment.
DayStar''''s'' new Quantum controls on Calcium II K line are perfectly suited for academic studies in mapping the 3-dimensional structure of the Chromosphere. By controlling wing shift of the Ca II K line filter with precision accurate to 0.1Å, studies can depict intensity differences between the K3, K2 and K1 lines. Observation of the complicated structure of subordinate peaks offer views through different levels in the solar atmosphere.
* Note. Calcium H and K-line filters do not require F/30 configurations. They may be used at F/15 or F/20 or greater. They also do not use the same RED or Yellow glass Energy Rejection Prefilter. Rather, we recommend dielectric "hot mirror" UV/IR cut filters introduced prior to focus. Additionally, we suggest an additional neutral density solar film on apertures above 150mm or for long-term dedicated applications.