We are making some progress but it has been slower than anyone likes.

Frequent Buyer Discounts  (FBD) should be showing for your accounts now

Search should be working better.

Shipping except for FREE GROUND SHIPPING is working properly and we are working on the FREE GROUND SHIPPING for some items now. If you encounter a product that says FREE GROUND SHIPPING and it charges shipping when you check out we will credit that amount back to you before charging your card until this is resolved.

The Anacortes Telescopes Picture Of the Day  (ATWB POD) should be working within 24 hours. These will then show up on AstroMart LLC as always (we hope)

The site still does not have categories which makes finding things on large manufacturers sections difficult. This should be resolved shortly

The SEO behind the scenes sections will be updated by the end of the week waiting for the search engines to "spider" the site. We are seeing some of that happening now but it is a slow process.

That is for now.

Any other issues you see please share and we will get on them ASAP

Thank you

Herb and Paula York
