November brings a collection of new things to see in the night skies. The summer Milky Way is gone by the early evening and by midnight many of the winter constellations can be found rising. These skies offer a amazing collection of stunning clusters, galaxies and nebulae to see and photography. 

The Beaver Moon
The full moon for November has actually already passed, being it occurred on November 4th. This full moon is known at the Beaver moon. The name comes from the time of year one would set traps to catch beavers before the ponds froze over. This would allow people to utilize the warm fur coats for the winter. 

Some Native American tribes would also refer to the November full moon as the Frost moon to signal the coming frosts of winter. 

November Meteor Showers
There is one major meteor shower this month, the Leonids. 

The Leonids occurs November 17 to 18th which is perfect as the new moon occurs on November 18th. With no moon, the best time to view the shower is after midnight from dark skies. Meteors will originate from the constellation of Taurus the Bull. 

Apo refractors are generally the weapon of choice for many astrophotographers and observers alike. Their ease of use, flexibility and high contrast are held in high regard; its something many astronomers strive for. However, it comes at a price... 

The Sky-Watcher Evostar/ProED provides high quality apo. optics as affordable prices. These refractors allow anyone to have their dream apo. without having to sell the house, the kids, significant other, need we say more? 

The Evostar/ProED line comes in three aperture sizes: 80, 100 and 120mm models, allowing something for everyone. Each scope includes two eyepieces, 50mm finder scope, mounting accessories, dual speed focuser, 2" dielectric diagonal and travel case. 

The ED doublets are also no slouch when it comes to imaging. With the optional 0.85x reducer flattener they become a perfect imaging platform. Each flattener is matched to provide the best images for their corresponding telescope. This allows pin point stars across the entire field. 

Now is your chance to own the refractor you've always wanted, no need to settle for anything less.


Source : Skywatcher USA