Paramount ME II Robotic Telescope System
Everything you expect from a Paramount, and more.
Hardware Specifications
- 240 lb (109 kg) total instrument capacity, 480 lb (218 kg) total capacity
- Fourth-generation telescope control system (TCS) combines state-of-the-art electronics with field-tested reliability
- TPoint-assisted Accurate Polar Alignment makes polar alignment a breeze
- Belt-driven gears offer virtually zero backlash
- Unibody mount design weighs 84 lb (38 kg)
- Maximum seven (7) arcseconds peak-to-peak periodic error before PEC
- Ample room to add through the mount cabling
- Power supply and PC-to-mount cabling included
- Versatile equipment mounting plate (a.k.a. the Versa-Plate) that can accept virtually any optic
- All electronics and wiring are enclosed within the mount (power supply is external)
- 30 arcsecond or better all sky pointing accuracy with TPoint and Super Model™
- Clutchless design maintains TPoint assisted pointing accuracy
- Two port USB 2.0 hub on the Instrument Panel, right where it is needed most
- Track or slew up to three hours past the meridian
Software Specifications
- Includes the Paramount ME II Software Suite (featuring TheSkyX Professional Edition, Camera & Device control, Dome control, and TPoint). Compatible with macOS, Windows and Linux (ARM32, ARM64, and x86_64 architectures).
- The included software features ProTrack™, Direct Guide™ (guider-cable free autoguiding), TPoint Super Model™,
All Sky Image Link™, Closed Loop Slew, @Focus™ automated focus, periodic error curve fitting, permanent periodic error correction, live stacking, dithering and more.
- Includes the Multi-OS and Six License Add On so that you can install and use TheSky on all your computers and operating systems