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Paul Holmwood Reviews

Lunt Solar Systems LS152THa

on February, 8th 2017

Lunt LS152THa with B1800 blocking filter

<p>I received this telescope about 8 months ago and I can say it is wonderful. I use in on an AP-1100 mount but had to get a Losmandy plate and ditch the skinny Vixen (this is a BIG scope !!!)</p><p>I am probably going to ante up for the extra etalon to make it double stacked but it provides GREAT views of the chromosphere, I have yet to do photography with my Celestron Skyris 256m, but I expect it will be jaw dropping. The power of Photoshop should make up for it being single stacked but we will see. The other nice feature is that this scope can double as a non-solar scope for excellent visual or astrophotographic use. The case it came with is top notch too. Cannot go wrong with this move.</p>