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Lloyd Lashbrook Reviews

7.5 Takahashi LE

This eyepiece is truly amazing. The eye relief is outstanding for a Plossl. The clarity is great. The only draw back is, when used with an f/10 SCT, it is a little dim and could have better contrast. Most effective on deep space objects when used with a focal reducer.

Takahashi LE 12.5mm

Another great eyepiece from Takahashi. The clarity and overall contrast are superb. The image is perfect even out to the edge of the field. The reason it did not get a perfect 10 is that the eye relief is still only 9mm or so, and that is the same as any other plossl. However, do not confuse the quality of image of this LE with any other plossl, for it is the best of the best. I make these comments based on over a years observation through an f/10 or f/6.3 with (reducer) SCT and an f/10 90mm refractor.