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Ivan Ong Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Good fast optics

Fast optics with impressive edge to edge sharpness, a major contender in the 500mm+ FL imaging area.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

When you get it right its a stunner

Optically, this is the best binoviewer you can get..clear large aperture, light weight and optics appear to be very well coated. However, the diopter adjustment mechanism is very hard to get right. No instructions provided and you cant find a whole lot of useful advice on the web on fine adjustment other than complaints. My unit arrived with a slight paint wear spot near the ocular attachement area. Not a big deal- but hey these are expensive!! And, a case would have been nice. I have to say, when I finally got everything adjusted correctly, the views were very astounding indeed. Saturn with the viewers and 9mmT6s, 1.25x compensator and the A-P 140mm was simply stunning. A hawk alighted near a tree and it was amazing through my Traveler, 1.25x and 18mm Radians.

Completely Essesntial!

The CAA should almost be mandatory for both visual and imaging use. For visual use, the ability to smoothly change the EP position is a very welcomed convenience. I cannont imagine my Tak without this accessory! Will buy one even at twice the price.

TeleVue TV-60 APO Refractor

on October, 17th 2009

Excellent, as advertised

Despite its diminutive appearance, the TV60mmAPO lives up to its claims. Really easy to use, no vices. Optics are impressively tack sharp, Rigel a clean and very easy split with no effort. Fantastic widefield scope, you get all 3 stars of Orions belt. What other scope will fit under your car seat or in your brief case? I would pair this with a Bogen 410 on a Bogen Magfiber tripod for ultimate light weight portability. Get the video mounting shoe which has an extra stud to mount more securely. Complaints? No place to attach a finder. I recommend this scope unreservedly.

Very nicely made!

Stable, smooth, unbelievably light weight and the perfect grab and go mount for light scopes!

Astro-Physics MaxBright 2

on October, 17th 2009


Functional, solid, a work of art. This is going to be something youll keep forever.

Excellent Value, you wont regret buying this

After Vixens GP-DX and Sphinx, getting and using this mount was a quantum leap in the quality of my visual and astrophotography sessions. Pluses: polar alignment scope very accurate, mount very stable, gets out of the way and lets you concentrate on other things, interfaces well with SBIG autoguider, wood tripod very stable, solid quality construction, minimal exposed breakable parts, hand paddle is logical. I would rate this at <26lb for serious astrophotography if you have an f/6 or greater system. I do not agree with the 35lb load for astophotography. For visual it is fine although you get high mag vibrations during focusing with OTAs above 30lb. Dont deride the free included GOTO Pegasus software- it actually works quite well.

Takahashi FSQ-85EDX Refractor

on October, 17th 2009

Incredible optics, focuser is B-

Amazing optics. This is a fantastic astrograph and an equally fantastic visual scope. Beats my TV-85 hands down. No color, super sharp. You will be beyond amazed. It is well designed and easy to use for astrophotography. The focuser is however a bit of a disappointment..there is a pronounced focus shift especially when tube is less than 60 degrees to the horizon.