A Nagler masterpiece?
I bought this unit to test how good the new T6s really are compared to the all the past Nagler designs.
Clearly, Uncle Al has made the move to replace the focal lengths of his classic T1s with an all out assault on eyepiece technology.
I had wanted to replace a vintage 9mm T1 so I figured if the 11mm T6 didnt work, no harm no foul.
Well, this unit is shockingly good. I use it as a mainstay for medium power in f/5 and f/6 Dobsonians.
It misses a 10 due to some mild field curvature out at the very edge next to the field stop and some color on brighter stars, planets and Luna on about 10% of the outer edge. Other than these minor flaws from perfection this unit truly replaces the classic T1s in these shorter focal lengths with better on axis sharpness, contrast and throughput all in a unit about the size and weight of a 30 plossl! In fact, on-axis performance matches my plossls and orthos. Here you have a widefield that gives stunning deep sky views and still can hold its own against the more standard planetary / lunar units. Bravo Uncle Al!