First off, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Isaac, I am a new employee here at My specific expertise is in computer programming and meteorology with a desire to learn more. From Steven Hawking to Galileo, I've learned a little here andastronomy at a glance there from historical astronomy figures.

It hasn't taken long for me to realize, I know nothing about astronomy! Well this isn't 100% true, I know a little here and there from the "high quality" educational VHS tapes we used to watch in high school, but I want to learn much, much more. That's the beauty of astronomy, it's a never ending process of education and discovery unlike anything we will find here on our tiny habitable planet called Earth. From Black holes to Supernovas, I want to learn it all.  Why am I so interested you ask? Physics!

Physics is the study of anything and everything. To understand physics, is to understand how our own world has come to be. Astronomy takes physics in a much more broad direction to pinpoint the very laws that existed to create our universe. I feel I have a strong understanding of the laws of physics and how those laws transipre into the world we see and live in. From the creation of the first star to it's inevitable death, physics are always at play. Physics allow us to look back in time in a sense. How is this not amazing? I'll save this topic for another post, I could go on for days about physics.

What I really need from the online astronomy community, is a push in the right direction. Tell me your story, what got you interested in astronomy and the study of everything? And on a slightly more important note, what star gazing equipment is best fit for a new astronomer like myself? I most likely am not asking all the right questions, feel free to chime in with your own expertise.

It's time for me to get my nose out of the books, and my eye on a lense. Maybe the next book you read will be my own work.