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Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes serve as an alternative to Schmidt Cassegrains and Newtonians, and offer astronomers a large visual aperture, high contrast and long focal length in a compact package. Maksutov’s deliver better planetary detail than other telescopes due to a focal length that’s 5-7 times longer, increasing overall magnification. Maksutov-Cassegrains also utilize a meniscus shaped corrector plate, eliminating any spherical aberration caused by the primary mirror.
In addition to the visual benefits of Sky-Watcher Maksutovs, these serve as excellent optical tubes for imaging planetary, lunar or solar, with use of a solar filter. For astronomers looking to start in astrophotography, the Sky-Watcher Maksutovs deliver exceptionally long focal lengths, necessary for imaging planetary detail. This provides an increased image scale, forgoing the need of a barlow lens or other accessories that might increase exposure times.