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The SkyGuiderTM Pro -- iOptron’s next generation camera tracking device! Leading the camera tracker market for nearly four years, iOptron's SkyGuider Pro pushes closer to perfection.
This mount has an integrated electronic polar finder scope known as the iPolar. This tool ensures the accurate alignment of a telescope, even when the pole star is obscured. There are large levers on the quick-lock drive engagement system; these large levers make it easy to snap the gears into place. The SkyGuiderTM Pro features four tracking rates, 1X or sidereal, 1/2X for sky and landscape combined, solar and lunar. All 4 tracking rates work in both northern and southern hemispheres.
The DEC mounting bracket package, which includes DEC mounting bracket, counterweight shaft, counterweight and Vixen-type dovetail saddle, makes the SkyGuideTM Pro mount suitable for a heavier camera/lens system, even a lightweight telescope.