Morovision's ITT Night vision pinnacle® image intensifier tubes

ITT Night Vision products - Morovison Night Vision

PINNACLE® - A New Light on Night Vision Technology.

PINNACLE® image intensifier tube technology is the latest development in state-of-the-art, tactical night vision equipment, allowing users to complete their mission objectives without being blinded by sudden exposure to bright light. Traditional night vision equipment does not offer this ability. Sudden bright light exposure renders the user ineffective until the lights are turned off - or the night vision equipment is removed.

Special Operations teams often face entry into dark dwellings or structures under the cover of night. Night vision equipment is used to enter and navigate once inside. If the lights are suddenly switched on for any reason, traditional night vision equipment will "bloom" or "wash out" rendering the user temporarily blind. With PINNACLE® night vision products, users maintain their vision regardless of the amount of light they are exposed to.

PINNACLE® night vision technology represents the apex in image intensifier tube development. The super thin-film (10,000 times thinner than a human hair) minimizes blooming caused by bright light exposure, while the auto-gating diminishes power to the system thereby decreasing the amount of amplified light allowed into the unit.

All of the ITT Night Enforcer® products now come with PINNACLE® image intensifier tubes.

When lives are on the line, don't settle for less than the PINNACLE® in night vision technology.

Demand ITT Night Enforcer® PINNACLE® products for your team.

To view our selection of ITT PINNACLE® tubes available to OEM's visit:


To read more on how PINNACLE® image tubes were developed, follow this link to ITT's website: