The Mewlon-300CRS is the largest in the corrected Dall-Kirkhams made by Takahashi. The internal 3-element ED corrector transforms the M-300 into a corrected flat-field instrument. An integral stepping motor control secondary focusing, which Takahashi first introduced in 1990, is now an advanced computer controllable focusing system. The focus system called Active Focus can be computer controlled by ASCOM compliant programs such as Focusmax and Maxim DL.
A free of charge ASCOM driver is available for free download: DOWNLOAD ASCOM PLATFORM 6. It enables the focus control and control of the cooling system. Backlash control is also included to insure precise focus for imaging or visual applications.
The M-300CRS includes the pulse motor controlled secondary focuser. This new focuser is the successor to the secondary focusing system introduced by Takahashi in 1990 that is used on the Mewlon-250 and 300. Now this pulse motor has become the Active Focus system.
The Active Focus system, ASCOM compliant, enables the secondary focusing to be computer controlled by programs such as Focusmax and Maxim DL. This system includes backlash control as well. A hand control that can focus manually or with USB connector to a PC is included.
Additionally to aid cooling a low vibration three fan system in standard equipment. This system uses three sensors: one on the mirror, a second inside the tube and a third outside the tube to properly measure ambient temperature which enables the cooling system to operated either manually with the hand control or by PC. A convenient USB B connection is supplied on the hand controller for easy computer connection. For manual operation the fan button is pressed to turn on the cooling system. Focusing is powered by a 12v AC power supply for computer focusing or four AA batteries for manual focusing. A free driver is used to enable computer controlled focusing.
The M-300CRS is a flat field corrected telescope that produces a flat field high contrast images and pinpoint star across the entire field due to its three element ED permanent corrector. This is a perfect match for the new Takahashi UW flat field 90° eyepieces.
Price includes 11x70 Finder and Finder Bracket, Tube Holder.
$3,000 non-refundable deposit.
Optical system: Corrected Dall-Kirkham
Effective aperture: ø300mm
Focal length: 2960mm
Effective focal ratio: f/9.9
Image circle: ø40mm
Tube diameter: ø324mm
Tube length: 1045mm
Weight: 27kg-59.4lbs
Reducer CRO .73x
Focal length: 2160mm
Focal ratio: f/7.2
Image circle: ø35mm
Extender CRI 1.5x
Focal length: 4475mm
Focal ratio: f/14.9
Image circle: ø44mm