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Takahashi Reducer QE 0.73X for FSQ-130ED / FSQ-106ED / FSQ-85ED

The reducer takes the New "Q" into the speed category of telephoto lenses. The Reducer QE [four- element] will reduce the native focal ratio of the New "Q" to f/3.64, a factor for reduction of .75x.  Reduces f/ratio to f/3.86 on the FSQ-85ED.  Reduces f/ratio to f/3.6 on the FSQ-130ED. 

CCD adapters are already available for this reducer [SBIG, FLI and Starlight Express with more to come. The image train is the same as the Sky-90 Reducer/Flattener].

NOTE:  Due to threading, this reducer will work with the FSQ-106EDX I, II, and III only - the FSQ-106EDX IV uses the 0.73x Reducer CR (MCR0073).

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