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DeLite: 62° Apparent Field Eyepieces
Concept: Just as Delos eyepieces were developed based on Tele Vue's Ethos eyepiece design advancements, DeLite is the logical step toward a smaller, more economical and lightweight version of Delos. The 62° apparent field DeLite retains the pure optical quality of Delos along with 20mm eye-relief, unique sliding, locking eyeguard, and is Dioptrx-ready.
Introducing DeLite: All models have 1¼" barrels and are parfocal with Tele Vue's 1¼" Plössl, Panoptic, Nagler, and Delos eyepieces. Named DeLite because that best describes the viewing experience, the name also recognizes designer Paul Dellechiaie's work. The DeLite series is a delightful addition to Tele Vue's visionary line of eyepiece developments.
Excerpt from Tom Trusock's March 2016 review in Astronomy magazine.
* Eyepieces are a visual astronomer's window to the universe. And history shows that Tele Vue led the revolution in high-quality wide-field eyepieces with its introduction of the Nagler line in the early 1980s. Company founder Al Nagler was the driving force and principal optical designer on all eyepieces until the introduction of the Ethos line, when protégé Paul Delechiaie stepped up to the plate. Delechiaie went on to design the Delos line and, most recently, the DeLite line.
* Tele Vue targeted the DeLites, introduced just before the 2015 Northeast Astronomy Forum convention, at observers looking for an economical high-end eyepiece that's small and light yet provides diffraction-limited performance, high contrast, and generous eye relief.
* At night, contrast was superb, enabling me to make out fine detail within the planetary bands of Saturn. And in the rings, the Cassini Division was obvious though ... smaller scopes. The eyepieces showed no sign of scattered light or ghost images, and transmission was quite good. Also, I noted no glare or internal reflections. Although I tend to prefer using single eyepieces to achieve desired magnifications, that's not always possible. So, it was good to learn that these eyepieces worked well with Barlow lenses.
* I then moved to other targets. Through the 6-inch, the gold and blue of Albireo (Beta [ß] Cygni) simply popped. Through the 18-inch, the Hercules Cluster (M13) was a jellyfish of suns against a deep-black background, and stars were pinpoint out to the edge of the field.
* Tele Vue has once again created a line of all-around excellent eyepieces, good for both planetary and deep-sky work. Selling points are long eye relief, a small and light design, and the relatively inexpensive cost. The DeLite line should be on your must-view-through list of eyepieces at the next star party.
— Trusock, Tom. "We Test Tele Vue’s DeLite Eyepieces". Astronomy (2016 March).
"This trio of parfocal lenses live up to their name -- they are a delight:
* The DeLite eyepieces deliver a fantastic image, free from aberration and very crisp -- exactly what a good eyepiece should do.
* The lockable eyeguard and 20mm eye relief means that the DeLites are perfect for those who swap between wearing spectacles too.
* Ultimately, the excellent design of the DeLites provides an eyepiece that you forget about. Instead you find yourself concentrating on the thing your telescope was pointed at, and this, after all, is what a telescope and its supporting optics are supposed to do."
The Verdict?
Build & Design: 5-Stars
Ease of Use: 5-Stars
Extras: 5-Stars
Eye Relief: 5-Stars
Optics: 5-Stars
Overall: 5-Stars
— Lawrence, Pete. "First Light: Tele Vue DeLite Eyepiece Range". Sky at Night (Dec. 2015). 94,96.